What is the Silver Lake Reservoirs Conservancy?
SLRC is a tax-exempt, all-volunteer and non-profit corporation established in 1988. Originally known as the Committee to Save Silver Lake's Reservoirs (CSSLR), it was created in response to LADWP's announced plan to cover part of the reservoir and to build an industrial-style filtration plant on-site (where the Meadow Park now sits). In 2009, CSSLR changed its name to the Silver Lake Reservoirs Conservancy (SLRC).

What is SLRC's mission?
SLRC is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the historical, aesthetic, ecological and recreational benefits of Silver Lake's open waters and surrounding open space. SLRC works to reflect community preferences regarding the property and advocates accordingly. While the reservoirs are part of the city water supply system, the SLRC will provide education about water quality, projects, and their impacts on the community. SLRC's vision is to facilitate the transition of the decommissioned reservoir property and to explore new opportunities regarding open space, education, recreation, watershed, wildlife, native plants, natural habitats, and land use once the reservoirs go off-line. 

Who are its members?
SLRC is not a membership organization. It is governed by a board of directors, which serves on a volunteer basis and considers all users of the property to be its constituents/stakeholders. More than 80 community members have served on its board since its inception.

What is the source of SLRC's funding?
Many of its activities require little to no funding, and are supported by the volunteer efforts of its board members as well as community members. Beyond that, SLRC has gratefully received support from a number of local businesses. SLRC has occasionally received grant funding for its projects as well as individual donations from community members.

What has SLRC done in the past?
In the 1990s, SLRC worked closely with LADWP as part of a citywide mediation process that was created as part of a legal settlement. SLRC worked with LADWP to hire a contractor to create the Master Plan for the Silver Lake Reservoirs, worked with the contractor to engage the community and to finalize the document (which was approved by LADWP Board of Commissioners in 2000). SLRC then lobbied for public funding of the most critical projects in the Master Plan: to create a safe, dedicated pedestrian pathway around the lakes. That funding came from both state and local sources, and 95% of that pedestrian path was built in three phases over the next 13 years. SLRC worked with LADWP and its contractor to ensure that the design and construction of each phase met community needs and expectations.

SLRC also helped Council District 13 overcome numerous hurdles to the completion of Silver Lake Meadow, which opened in 2011 and has since become a cherished community amenity. SLRC has also advocated for additional, smaller improvements, and communicated a number of community concerns to City Council representatives.

In early 2016 SLRC developed and distributed a survey to assess the current thinking and concerns of the community. It was randomly sent to 3,400 households within the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council boundaries and had a very high percentage of returns. The responses were analyzed and will be used to guide SLRC in advocating for community preferences to City Council offices, LADWP, and other impacted/involved City agencies. Those results may be viewed here.

Recently, SLRC secured maintenance funding from both Council Members for the path and the landscaping around the path. SLRC, with community participation, has refurbished the Armstrong portion of the path (also known as the Up & Over). Additional planting, mulch, and irrigation have been done by SLRC and the community. 

SLRC has procured benches which LADWP and the Department of Recreation and Parks have installed in Silver Lake Meadow, along the pedestrian path, and in the Tesla Pocket Park. SLRC has also recently worked with LADWP and Rec and Parks to plant five new shade trees in Silver Lake Meadow and to undertake needed maintenance.

SLRC installed four pet waste stations around the reservoir for path users. It currently funds replacement bags, works with community sponsors to provide replacement bags, and coordinates community volunteers who make sure replacement bags are placed in the dispensers.

What is SLRC doing now?

SLRC continues to support the decision to open both the South Dam pedestrian path and to restore the Ivanhoe pedestrian path at the northwest corner of the property and the completion of the systems to aerate and circulate water in the reservoir, ensuring a healthy and beautiful experience for the community.

SLRC and our dedicated volunteers meet monthly to maintain the native plant gardens, and engage regularly with other local community groups.


How were the Silver Lake and Ivanhoe reservoirs named?
Within the residential community of Silver Lake lies the namesake reservoir composed of two basins, Silver Lake and Ivanhoe. The larger body of water was named in 1906 for Water Board Commissioner, Herman Silver, and in turn lends its name to the neighborhood. The smaller, northern reservoir was named after the 1819 Sir Walter Scott novel Ivanhoe.

Who owns the reservoirs?
The reservoirs are owned and maintained by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP or DWP).

Do the reservoirs still hold potable drinking water? 
The reservoirs provided water to 600,000 homes in downtown and South Los Angeles; however, for a number of years only the smaller of the two, Ivanhoe, has remained online. At capacity, the reservoirs held 795 million gallons of water.

The Silver Lake Reservoir's water resources has been replaced by the Headworks Reservoir, two underground tanks north of Griffith Park

Are the reservoirs a Los Angeles Cultural Historic Monument?
The reservoirs were named City of Los Angeles Cultural Historic Monument #422 in March 1989.